Meeting documents (English) INFORMATION SHEET .pdf PHONM Draft Agenda_310822.pdf PHONM2.1 Strategic Directions and Policy Options for Nursing and Midwifery Workforce.pdf PHONM2.2 Building Nursing Workforce in the Cook Islands.pdf PHONM2.4 The Value of Nursing Work in Pacific Island Countries.pdf PHONM3.4 ACN Partnering Pacific Island Nations to Advance Critical Care Nursing Education.pdf PHONM3.5 Online Nursing Education - Lessons Learnt.pdf PHONM3.6 Productive Partnerships – Australian Volunteers Program.pdf PHONM4.1 The Certificate IV in Nursing .pdf PHONM4.2 Regional Accreditation and Pacific Leadership Program.pdf PHONM5.1 Pacific Women Lead - Opportunities for collaboration for gender equality.pdf PHONM5.2 Emergency Nursing - Fiji Experience.pdf PHONM6.1 IPC Roadmap.pdf PHONM6.2 Mental Health Nurses Pacific Community of Practice.pdf PHONM7.2 RACS Briefing Paper 2022.pdf PHONM8.1a) COVID-19 and Monkeypox Global and Regional Updates .pdf PHONM8.1b) COVID-19 and Monkeypox Global and Regional Updates.pdf PHONM8.4 Deployment to Kiribati.pdf PHONM8.5 COVID19 Vaccine Certificate for Cross Border Travel .pdf PHONM9.1 Road to Recovery for RI - Lessons from COVID-19 UNICEF .pdf Meeting documents (French) PHONM3.6 Productive Partnerships – Australian Volunteers Programme - F.pdf PHONM4.1 The Certificate IV in Nursing - F.pdf PHONM5.1 Pacific Women Lead - gender equality - F.pdf PHONM6.1 IPC Roadmap - F.pdf PHONM6.2 Mental Health Nurses Pacific Community of Practice -F.pdf PHONM7.2 RACS Briefing Paper 2022 - F .pdf PHONM7.4 Sustain Critical Care - F.pdf PHONM8.5 COVID19 Vaccine Certificate for Cross Border Travel F-.pdf