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Support continuing professional developments and discuss regional discipline-specific issues and solutions.

Pacific Islands Society of Emergency Care (PISEC)

Comprises of Emergency Medicine Physicians, Emergency Department nurses and First Responders from the PICs. PISEC is the most recent clinical group that is establishing it organisation.

Internal Medicine Organisation of the Pacific (iMOP)

Is a Pacific organisation of Internal Medicine Physicians that held its inaugural meeting in 2014 in Suva, Fiji.

Oral Health Pacific Islands Alliance (OPIA)

The Heads of Dental Services from 14 PICs formally formed their clinical organisation in 2014, during the 5th Regional Oral Health Meeting organised by the Dental Department of the Fiji National University.

Oceania Society for Mental Health Professionals (OSMHP)

The formation of a regional mental health organization was to provide clinical support, training and education to its members to improve the delivery of mental health services in the region. Doctors and nurses who are providing mental health services in the region are members of OSMHP.

Pacific Eye Care Society (PacEYES)

The Society comprising of eye care professionals including ophthalmologists, eye doctors, ophthalmic nurses, representing the interests of eye care professionals in the Pacific Islands sub-region.

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Pacific Island Operating Room Nurses Association (PIORNA)

PIORNA comprises of operating nurses (OT) who are in the process of registering their organisation. The aim of the organisation is to promote a safe environment for Pacific people undergoing surgery, and to build the capacity of OT nurses in the region.

Pacific Island Surgeons Association (PISA)

The Pacific Islands surgeons meet biennially since 1994. The meeting provides the opportunity for surgeons to discuss and plan for Pacific wide issues, to ensure the ongoing development and sustainability of surgical services throughout the Pacific region.

Pacific Island Society for Pathology (PISP)

The inaugural meeting of PISP was held in Suva, Fiji in September 2018. The society comprises of Pathologist and Laboratory Technicians & Scientists with one of the main objectives of strengthening human capacity and service delivery in the region.

Pacific Paediatric Association (PPA)

The mission of the PPA is to advance the health and well-being of children and young people in the Pacific region by working together as a collegial network of Pacific Paediatricians.

Pacific Society of Anaesthetists (PSA)

Pacific Anaesthetists has meet annually since 1989 when the society held its first meeting in Fiji. Each year PSA provides an annual refresher training to update skills and knowledge of all practicing anaesthetists. The meeting serves as a forum to air difficulties in daily practices and share potential solutions given the common ground of poor resourcing and support.

        ◦ Pacific Society of Anaesthetists (PSA) Report_2018

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The Pacific Society for Reproductive Health (PSRH)

A non-governmental organization which encourages the professional development of reproductive and neonatal health care workers, across the diverse geography, economy and population of Pacific Island countries.

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