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December 14 2016

The Pacific Community has launched a regional photography competition in an effort to creatively bring into focus the immense impact that Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) has on Pacific Island countries and territories.

The “Focus on NCDs in the Pacific” initiative provides an opportunity for amateur and professional photographers throughout the region to capture images portraying the impact of NCDs on Pacific Island economies and homes and how they can be prevented and managed.

Photographers can enter their images into one or more of the four categories:

1. NCD prevention

2. Social impact of NCDs

3. Links between our environment and NCDs

4. Culture and NCD prevention

NCDs, primarily heart disease, cancers, chronic lung diseases and diabetes are the leading cause of death in the Pacific region, placing added stress and pressure on individuals, families and island health systems. These diseases are also largely preventable and manageable.

“The photo competition is all about showcasing the challenges non-communicable diseases pose for people living in the Pacific and the role each person can play in preventing these diseases,” Pacific Community (SPC) Non-Communicable Diseases Team Leader,  Dr Si Thu Win Tin, says.

Keeping in theme with the promotion of health and well-being, the winner of each category will receive a Wi-Fi connected fitness wristband to track daily physical activity.

The images submitted for the competition will be used to support SPC’s health campaigns and displayed across a number of platforms including social media and print publications.

“I encourage everyone from all Pacific countries and territories to enter the photography competition. A picture is worth a thousand words. This is your chance to show the world how NCDs are affecting your country, and how Pacific people are rising to address this challenge,” says Dr Si Thu Win Tin.

More information about the competition including entry terms and conditions can be found on the Pacific Community website or by contacting Ms Solene Bertrand on email: SoleneB [at] (SoleneB[at]spc[dot]int).

Competition closes on January 15 2017.

Media contacts:

Lauren Robinson   SPC Media Relations Team Leader, laurenr [at] (laurenr[at]spc[dot]int) or +679 337 9250

Useful link:

SPC Focus on NCDs in the Pacific Competition