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9 décembre 2021

Provincial medical services in the Solomon Islands will receive a much needed boost to their technology services, thanks to a donation of A/V equipment by the Pacific Community (SPC), including tablets, laptops, multimedia projectors, cameras, video conferencing material, and smart monitors. 

The Solomon’s Permanent Secretary for Health, Pauline McNeil, acknowledged the long history of partnership between SPC and the Solomon Islands Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) and highlighted the critical role this new equipment will play saying, “There are many invaluable lessons from health projects both funded by the government and partners across the country. We are grateful to SPC for the equipment which will greatly enhance our ability to share these experiences between national and provincial teams. And, as a result, improve the medial expertise of the entire nation. “ 

The equipment was officially handed over by SPC’s Melanesia Director, Mia Rimon, who stressed services in the Solomons, “Supporting wellbeing of Pacific communities is at the core of SPC’s mandate, and medical services are critical to this effort. We are very pleased to be able to make this contribution, and help the Solomon Islands as they work towards their nation health goals.”

Rimon also acknowledged the hard work of health workers both in COVID-19 frontline and support operation, those rolling out COVID-19 vaccines including all others who work behind the scenes to ensure normal health services are maintained. “The heath challenges in the Pacific have been enormous and will continue to put stress on national services, but we hope that this support will greatly enhance your capacity and capability to deliver for the people in Solomon Islands”.

Once properly catalogued, the new equipment will be distributed to provincial hospitals and Health teams where it is expected to be put into immediate use.

Media contacts:

Atenia Tahu, Solomon Islands MHMS Media Officer | E:  ATahu [at] (ATahu[at]moh[dot]gov[dot]sb), P: 7478857

Pacific Community: media [at] (media[at]spc[dot]int)