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10 novembre 2021

The essential role of nurses in the Pacific has been put in the spotlight during the COVID crisis. These front line workers have taken on high levels of risk in a job that demands long hours and wide ranging medical expertise. To help support these important professionals, a new program has been developed for nurses to broaden their skills through a Post Graduate Certificate in Critical Care training.

The Pacific Community (SPC) is managing this effort through the Public Health Division Clinical Services Programme with funding support from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

In this series, we showcase some of the nurses that have successfully completed their Postgraduate Certification.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Inosa Naivalu and I am a registered nurse working at the Lautoka Hospital’s Intensive Care unit in Fiji with 16 years of work experience.

I would like to thank the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Australian Government (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), for giving me this opportunity to be part of the program and helping in upgrading the knowledge of nurses in the Pacific.

How have you benefitted from this post graduate certificate in critical care training?

I have cared for COVID-19 patients and this critical care program has deepened my knowledge on how to assess and care for critically ill patients. The training, readings and extra resources provided me with more guidance on how to care for these COVID-19 patients.

What were some of the challenges and how did you overcome this?

One of the challenges that I faced, was having to work and study at the same time as juggling academics and practicing at the same time can be difficult. In addition, the contents of the training was in-depth knowledge related to critical care nursing, which demanded a lot of reading and sacrifice but I managed to do well and pull through.

Why do you think nurses should take up specialised courses/trainings?

Nursing specialization gives an opportunity for nurses to become an expert in their field and influence practice, education, and healthcare outcomes. Nurses pursuing specialization is not only beneficial for career advancement but also for shaping the future of the health care industry.

I would like to take this time to thank all the frontline workers on all the work and sacrifice they are making. Words are not enough to thank you for your strength, courage, and dedication.